Dance Shlokas


आंगिकम भुवनम यस्य

वाचिकं सर्व वाङ्ग्मयम

आहार्यं चन्द्र ताराधि

तं नुमः (वन्दे) सात्विकं शिवम् 


Your body is the movement of the world

Your words resonate through the entire universe

The Moon and the stars are your ornaments

I salute you Shiva, the embodiment of truth


The Namaskaria Shloka helps us better understand the 4 aspects of Abhinaya (expression)

  1. Āṅgika Abhinaya

  2. Vāchika Abhinaya

  3. Āhārya Abhinaya

  4. Sāttvika Abhinaya

Āṅgika Abhinaya

This relates to the movement of the body, and how expression is portrayed by movement of the anga or limbs, which include facial expressions.

Vāchika Abhinaya

This relates to how expression is carried out through music. The dancer uses the the taals and ragas from accompanying music to enhance her expression through dance.

Āhārya Abhinaya

Another aspect of enhancing a dancer’s abhinaya is through her costumes and make-up. Stage setup, lights and decoration are also considered elements of Aharya Abhinaya.

Sāttvika Abhinaya

This form of abhinaya is deep rooted in the dancers life experiences. It relates to how a dancer digs deep into their own emotions and experiences to bring out expression in their performance.


Abhinaya Darpana


Where the hands are, the eyes follow

Where the eyes are, the mind follows

Where the mind goes, there is expression

Where this is expression, mood is evoked


Guru Mantra


Guru is a representative of Brahma, the creator

Guru is Vishnu, the one who sustains knowledge

  Guru is Shiva, who destroyed the weeds of ignorance

I salute you, oh Guru.

Vidya Saraswati Mantra


O Saraswati; salutations to you;

you who offers boons; you who takes the form of desires.

As I begin my studies,

may there always be accomplishment for me

The Saraswati Shloka is a Hindu prayer. It is traditionally chanted by a student before their commencement of studies. It is addressed to Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning and knowledge.

All of the above shloka’s are essential for dancers to understand the philosophical, spiritual and metaphysical concepts of learning Indian classical arts. we have put together a Downloadable e-book to help you learn faster. Click on the link below and don’t forget to subscribe.


The Glorious Odissi Sari