Pracheen Kalakendra Examinations
Prarambik (2 year course)
2-Year preliminary course in Odissi theory and practical knowledge.
Bhushan (3 year Course)
It is a 3-year course meant to be pursued after the completion of Prarambhik. This course is equivalent to completion of a Diploma certification in Odissi dance and theory.
Visharad (2 Year course)
It is a 2-year course meant to be pursued after the completion of Bhushan. The value of this degree is comparable to a Bachelor degree in Odissi dance and theory.
Bhaskar (3 year Course)
It is also a 2-year course meant to be pursued after Visharad. The value this degree carries is comparable to a Masters degree in Odissi dance and theory
Churamani (3 year course)
It is a research degree meant to be pursued after Bhaskar. It is a minimum 3-year course that is to be completed under the supervision of reputed Indian scholars.